Living OPWP

On Purpose With Purpose

Declare His glory among the nations,
His marvelous works among all the peoples.
Ps 96:3

Welcome to Living On Purpose With Purpose, the site dedicated to sharing the Gospel message. There are many resources available for discovering and living in one's purpose. We're grateful that you have taken a moment to visit this one.

God has given us all one purpose, which is to live in a way that brings Him glory. Our hope is that this site provides you with some instruction, insight, and inspiration to help you live the OPWP way.

What does it mean to live the OPWP way?

Living the OPWP way means disciplining yourself like an athlete preparing for elite competition. Every part of you mind, body, and soul is conditioned with unwavering commitment, rigorous discipline, and continuous encouragement to focus on that ultimate prize. Sounds like hard work? It certainly is. Is it rewarding work? Ask anyone who's ever trained for a marathon, studied for a test, or even delivered a baby. The rewards of successfully finishing far outweigh the sacrifices.


Take care of your mental health.
Study the eternal Word of God to receive the wisdom that applies to every day living.


Be kind to your physical body. Keep it in peak condition, always prepared to offer yourself in service to God.


Commune with the Holy Spirit that lives within you. Listen for His voice, meditate on and follow His guidance to keep you growing in grace and favor.